Warming Acupuncture for Weight Loss
Warming acupuncture for weight loss is a technique that uses a needle inserted into a point and a little amount of burning moxa for the management of weight or obesity. Warm acupuncture procedure is quite technical and requires the service of qualified personnel. The herbal preparation (moxa) is carefully secured onto the end of the needle, then ignited from the area closest to the skin.
How warming acupuncture leads to weight lossKnowing that weight gain can be influenced by the amount of food we eat and the frequency, acupuncture has been shown to help prevent unhealthy weight gain by suppressing appetite to the minimum level. When you are able to control the amount of food you take at a particular time, it will be so much easier for you to concentrate on your weight loss program instead of complicating it with excess calories. However if you are already adapted to voracious eating, getting positive results on your weight loss program will rather be impossible due to regular food consumption. In that case, only an effective appetite control method can yield positive results. This is why warming acupuncture plays a big role in weight loss.
Warming acupuncture : technique that uses a needles inserted into a points and a little amount of burning moxa
What does it do?
The mechanism of action is pretty simple as it doesn’t do any harm to the body, instead it encourages self-healing. By suppressing appetite, acupuncture helps the body to utilize the excess calories that are stored in the adipose tissues. When there’s not enough time for the body to utilize the excess nutrients, they are converted to storage molecules (fat) and stored in the belly, butt, and beneath the skin. As the procedure helps you reduce food intake, the body works efficiently and degrades the excess storage nutrients.
Acupuncture has been shown to influence obesity hormones – ghrelin, which regulates meal initiation, and leptin, the hormone that controls fat metabolism and storage.
In addition to controlling appetite, warm acupuncture also improves digestion, boosts metabolism, and enhances nutrients usage. All these are the ways in which acupuncture helps weight loss.
How effective is warm acupuncture?
This technique has been around for donkey’s years, and has been practiced excessively in Chinese culture. It has recently gained popularity in Western medicine due to its effectiveness. The technique taps into the many hidden energy meridians in the body and facilitates improved metabolism which leads to energy expenditure. Ancient Chinese acupuncture helps to heal many ailments, and now many practitioners use it to manage chronic pain, nausea, postoperative pain, high blood pressure, and weight loss. It does look like magic when fine needles are carefully and painlessly inserted into the skin along strategic areas.Irrespective of the original meaning of acupuncture, this procedure is safe and painless. In fact, it also helps you manage different kind of pains. The fine needles are safely placed in specific regions chosen for the patient.
Subjecting the body to vigorous exercise and drugs all in the name of weight control can lead to serious medical issues. Carefully adopting nothing but natural methods can save you a lot and enhance rapid weight loss without the fear of negative effects – hence, warming acupuncture for weight loss is a preferred method.
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