What Does A Healthy Diet Consist Of?

What-Does-A-Healthy-Diet-Consist-OfWith all of the conflicting nutritional information available, many people are asking “What does a healthy diet consist of?”.
A  healthy diet is one that provides proper nutrition for every part of your body to ensure you have vibrant good health,more energy and a younger looking body.  
A healthy diet consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds which are needed to maintain a healthy body.  Your body requires a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat to optimally function.
It is important to eat a wide variety of foods to ensure that your body receives all of the necessary nutrients that it needs.   A healthy diet consists of eating foods that will increase your energy, make you feel good and will keep you healthy.
Making the right food choices to improve your total health and avoiding the foods which contribute to health risks including diabetes, heart problems, obesity and cancer is the center of a healthy eating plan.
Whole, natural foods should be the mainstay of a healthy eating plan, but we all know that it is not possible to exclude other prepared foods.  Before purchasing any prepared food, read the label very carefully.  Look for the serving size, the amount of sugar, sodium, preservatives and other chemicals which may be harmful.
If any of the ingredients are questionable, you are better off not buying it.  As a rule,  any food in a box or a can is not that good for you.
Another consideration is buying organic foods.   Purchasing organic fruits and vegetables will keep you from ingesting toxins from pesticides and other chemicals.  You should be careful to limit your exposure to pesticides, hormones and other toxins that are present in our food supply.
Try to get 20 to 30 grams of fiber every day from fruits, vegetables, beans and other whole grains.   Eating the correct fiber will cleanse your gastrointestinal tract, help your digestive system, stop stomach bloating and give you a feeling of fullness which helps you to eat less.
Include a wide variety of different colored fruits and vegetables which provide antioxidant and nutritional values to protect your body against disease.  They are also low in calories and should be included in every meal during the day.
Try to purchase local produce when it is available.  To locate local farmers and markets in your area, visit Local Harvest Produce.   Consume as many fresh fruits and vegetables that you can every day.
Protein is essential for maintaining our cells, organs and tissues and providing us with energy.  Be sure to include lots of green leafy vegetables, beans and nuts as part of your daily protein consumption.
Eat more foods that provide essential fatty acids (EFAs) such as flaxseed.   These fats are needed to nourish your cells, reduce heart disease, and improve your hair and skin.
Drink lots of clean pure water which helps to flush toxins and keep our bodies hydrated.   Drink a minimum of eight full glasses each day.  Try to drink one glass when you get up and then every hour that you are awake.
Now that you have answered the question – What does a healthy diet consist of? - make a commitment to change the way you eat, not just for one or two weeks, but forever.
You have to make a lifestyle change.  This lifestyle change will make you healthier, feel better, have more energy and look younger.
We feature a FREE healthy diet – go to Eat To Lose Weight - for more information.

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