Can Diet Pills Help You Lose Weight Before It's Too Late?
Can Diet Pills Help You Lose Weight Before It's Too Late?
Within the world's population, approximately 1.2 billion people are overweight. From that number, an estimated 300 million of those people are obese. Obesity is a great health risk for a variety of disorders, but it is also one of the ten most preventable.
More than 97 million adults in the United States are overweight. That is more than half of the American population. Nearly one in five adults is obese. It seems that children and teenagers are not immune to this malady either, more than 15% are overweight in the United States alone.
With this crisis comes a great increase in the sales of diet pills and weight loss aids. The Federal Trade Commission estimates that American consumers alone spend $33 billion per year on weight loss products.
Who is at Risk of Becoming Obese?
There are a variety of factors that can determine who has a greater propensity towards obesity. For instance, American women seem to have a slightly higher risk of obesity than American men. Additionally, race can play a part as well. Adolescent Mexican Americans and African Americans are at a greater risk of becoming obese.
A poor diet that is high in fats, cholesterol and sugar as well as a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to a person becoming overweight and obese. Recent scientific studies have also located a "fat gene" that seems to cause a person to be predisposed to obesity and being overweight.
What are the Health Risks of being Obese?
Obesity is linked to at least 300,000 deaths in the United States each year. Additionally, obesity and even an overweight condition can place a person at a serious health risk for more serious diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Liver disease, high cholesterol, congestive heart failure, bladder problems and even problems with the reproductive system in women can all be caused by obesity. It can also lead to stroke and an increased risk for certain cancers such as colon cancer and breast cancer. In short, the risks of obesity are great, it can kill you.
What Methods can be used in Weight Loss?
As obesity is becoming more of a threat, more aggressive steps are being taken to combat it. There are diet pills, diet shots, herbal weight loss remedies and even surgery. Some people are undergoing major surgery and many risks in an attempt to lose weight. Doctors are writing prescriptions for very strong, and sometimes even potentially lethal, diet pills.
Of course, a healthy diet that is low in fat and sugar, includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains can help greatly in a person's weight loss efforts. It is also important for a person to get out and engage in vigorous aerobic activity for at least thirty minutes three or more times a week.
A healthy diet, regular exercise and herbal weight loss supplements can be very effective in a person's weight loss efforts.
Are Diet Pills an Effective Weight Loss Tool?
There are a number of effective diet aids available. Many can be very effective when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Hoodia gordonii is a weight loss product that is relative new to the market. It has been shown to give diet pills a higher degree of effectiveness.
There are many diet pills on the market and while many are effective, no diet pill is a cure all on its own. A diet pill must be combined with other factors such as diet and exercise in order to be truly effective.
Even just diet without exercise does not offer a very desirable degree of weight loss. Without toning and fat burning, a person may lose weight, but they are very likely to still look overweight and even flabby. Diet pills work best when they are a part of a larger, health oriented equation.
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