Are You A Pilates Beginner?
Are You A Pilates Beginner?
Exercise Your Mind and Body with Pilates. If you have done any research into exercise programs in recent years, you are bound to have run into the term Pilates. Pilates is a specific exercise regime designed to build all over body strength and control. Consisting mainly of abdominal and lower back exercises, the Pilates workout is a very popular low impact style of exercise. Like Yoga, Pilates emphasizes both spiritual and physical improvement. Also similar to Yoga, Pilates exercises comprise a ritual of breath control and stretching. Many proponents feel that Pilates offers a more difficult, yet more rewarding result than Yoga.
The Six Principles of Pilates
Pilates exercises were developed by Joseph Pilates during the second World War and were intended to help rehabilitate injured soldiers. This unique exercise program has also been adopted by dancers and spiritualists. While some aspects of the program have been updated to meld with current exercise theories, the basic principles have remained the same:
Breathe. By developing breathing patterns to match Pilates movements, the mind and body remains connected and focused.
Center. Because Pilates exercises are intended to build on your bodys core of strength, motion should be initiated at the center of the body.
Control. Enabling the body to control it is movement, the Pilates theory is that it will be easier to control other aspects of your life.
Flow. Pilates movements should be fluid and balanced, with few abrupt moves or jarring exercises.
Focus. Focusing on your inner strength, breathing and extension allows the body to build its overall strength over time.
Precision. Pilates exercises should be executed with attention to detail and precision in order to receive the maximum benefit.
Creating Your Pilates Plan
Due to the overwhelming popularity of Pilates, there are many options available for starting a Pilates exercise program. Many gyms and fitness centers offer classes and there are home video instruction tapes and DVDs for women who prefer to train in the privacy of their own home. Because Pilates does not require extensive equipment or space, executing a Pilates workout at home is fairly easy. While it is recommended to practice Pilates at least three times a week, home workouts can be scheduled around the time you have available. As you begin to incorporate a Pilates routine, you should experience increased strength, endurance and energy that can help you make it through the stressful times.
The Six Principles of Pilates
Pilates exercises were developed by Joseph Pilates during the second World War and were intended to help rehabilitate injured soldiers. This unique exercise program has also been adopted by dancers and spiritualists. While some aspects of the program have been updated to meld with current exercise theories, the basic principles have remained the same:
Breathe. By developing breathing patterns to match Pilates movements, the mind and body remains connected and focused.
Center. Because Pilates exercises are intended to build on your bodys core of strength, motion should be initiated at the center of the body.
Control. Enabling the body to control it is movement, the Pilates theory is that it will be easier to control other aspects of your life.
Flow. Pilates movements should be fluid and balanced, with few abrupt moves or jarring exercises.
Focus. Focusing on your inner strength, breathing and extension allows the body to build its overall strength over time.
Precision. Pilates exercises should be executed with attention to detail and precision in order to receive the maximum benefit.
Creating Your Pilates Plan
Due to the overwhelming popularity of Pilates, there are many options available for starting a Pilates exercise program. Many gyms and fitness centers offer classes and there are home video instruction tapes and DVDs for women who prefer to train in the privacy of their own home. Because Pilates does not require extensive equipment or space, executing a Pilates workout at home is fairly easy. While it is recommended to practice Pilates at least three times a week, home workouts can be scheduled around the time you have available. As you begin to incorporate a Pilates routine, you should experience increased strength, endurance and energy that can help you make it through the stressful times.
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